Every piece of information about a hotel guest can be stored to create a database. It can be consulted by one or more people, is manageable and needs to be updated to be relevant. These databases are generally made up of personal information about guests, which the guests have agreed to share with the hotel. They are collected at the time of booking and/or during a stay. Furthermore, the hotel owner must respect the rules of the RGPD to build up this valuable information base.
This database will be stored as a file or a set of files on a server.
The information contained in a file can be divided into records. These records have one or more fields. A field represents an aspect of the database.
The databases can contain various information such as customers' email addresses, their nationalities, their countries of residence, their family situations ... All this information is valuable because it can be reused to target at best when creating Social Ads, Google Ads or even mailings ...