Your hotel's digital agency or webdesigner uses specialized English-speaking thermal baths that are not always affordable. In this article, you will discover the meaning of a "theme or template" and a "skin".

Theme or Template
A theme/template or template is usually a complete structure for a website/web application/CMS.
Your theme is the overall look and feel of your hotel's website. This includes elements such as the colour palette, layout and style elements. In essence, your website theme is a direct representation of your brand and has a direct impact on your users' experience.
A skin (literally skin in French) generally changes the color palette of a model.
The skin is the visual interface or "clothing" of your website. We also call it the "look-and-feel" of the website, which includes not only its visual aspects, such as graphics and colours, but also its navigational elements. It is through the skin of your website that users find their way around your site and have a pleasant booking experience.