How the Influence Society Team Makes the Most of Remote Work
Remote Work at Influence Society
An article from CNBC has been circulating among our team lately. In the article, four people share their experience with remote work and how it’s been lifechanging for each of them.
As remote worker Julie Steele, who works at Twitter, says in the article, “It was such a moment for me to realize this can now be part of my daily life — interacting with family rather than having to choose between them and work.”
Something in Julie and the other interviewee’s statements resonated with us as fellow remote workers. Today, remote working is a reality that’s not going anywhere and, as I’ve said before, we’re all in! For us, it’s all about a great work-life balance. No longer do you have to choose between work and the rest of life, but it allows for more flexibility to make your work better fit the rest of your life. This just makes sense, right?
Here’s how our team is making the most of their remote work lifestyle:
Yohan, our Traffic Manager, loves being on the road. He travels a few weeks every month to explore new countries. Most recently he was in Barcelona, and soon will visit Bordeaux with Montenegro on his wishlist after that. Paul, Head of Acquisition, on the other hand, recently visited Bulgaria.
Cecile, Partner at IS, loves to work remotely because it gives her more time to devote to her children’s school as a parent representative, using the time she would’ve been commuting to get more involved. Margot Bernard, our exceptional alternative student, even had enough time to join a Swiss association as a marketing for a volunteer organization called Discuss It that helps educate children about politics without bias.
And Romane Pletan, who helps with our digital marketing, is currently working from Spain, her favorite country, with plans to spend three weeks in Mexico soon. She loves the flexibility working remote gives her, not only on where to live but also where to travel, making it easy for her to meet up with teammates while on the road, whether it be with Margot in Lyon or Camille B in Paris.

Those are just a few examples– everyone on our team is free to use their location independence to their own advantage, and that’s exactly how we like it. We make sure to have regular in-person meetings for our team to stay connected and solve challenges as a team.
If you’re interested in taking your own team remote or just want to learn more about our experience as a fully remote team, get in touch!