The Influence Society House Agenda
If you have any questions, feel free to consult our FAQ page or contact
Monday, 9 October
9 - 12AM
Guests check-in
12.30 - 2PM
Opening & Lunch at the House (Barn Area)
2.00 - 2.45PM
How ChatGPT is transforming our industry
Sébastien FELIX, Founder @InfluenceSociety
2.45 - 3.30PM
Hotel E-Commerce State-of-the-Art
Grégoire BRINGARDNER, Lead Marketing Manager @InfluenceSociety
3.30 - 3.45PM
Pétanque Break
3.45 - 4.30PM
How music identity is impacting your guest experience?
Clay BASSFORD & Zane GROSHELLE, Founders @BespokeSound
4.30 - 5.15PM
Hotel Tech: The Wrong Way and the Right Way
Martin SOLER, CMO @ShijiGroup
5.15 - 6PM
What is a modern hospitality experience?
Nicolas HORVATH, Market Manager @Duve
6.30 - 9PM
Group Dinner Prepared by CHEF ARTHUR & ATELIER GARNER
9 - 11PM
Tuesday, 10 October
7.30 - 9am
Breakfast at the House (Lounge Area)
9 - 9.45am
Understanding & creating a Master Plan to attract US travelers
Joseph NAGGIAR, CRO @InfluenceSociety
9.45 - 10.30am
First Impressions Count: Unveiling a Hotel with Impact
November Studio x Influence Society
10.30 - 10.45am
10.45 - 11.30am
Mobile payments for hotels, where are we?
Frederic Robles, CEO @Namastay
1 - 3pm
Lunch at the TOO Hotel
3.30 - 5pm
Shuttle back to the House
5 - 6pm
Chill time
6 - 7pm
Caipirinha Society
7 - 10pm
Group Dinner Prepared by CHEF ARTHUR & ATELIER GARNER
WEDNESDAY, 11 October
7.30 - 9am
Breakfast at the House (Lounge Area)
9 - 11am
Guests check-out
Guests check-in
7 - 9pm
Wine Break & Group Dinner Prepared by CHEF ARTHUR & ATELIER GARNER
9 - 11pm
Drinks & Chill-Out with The INFLUENCE SOCIETY Team
Thursday, 12 October
7.30 - 9.30am
Breakfast at the House (Lounge Area)
9.30 - 10.15am
Exclusive Panel
10.15 - 10.45am
Engaging your digital customers profitably
Jay SINGH, Marketing Director @InfluenceSociety
10.45 - 11.10am
11.15 - 12am
How to get the most from your Analytics & Customer Data
Zineb Belyasmine & Jenna Forrest @TheHotelsNetwork
12.30 - 2pm
Lunch at the House (Barn Area)
2 - 2.30pm
How music identity is impacting your guest experience?
Clay BASSFORD & Zane GROSHELLE, Founders @BespokeSound
2.30 - 3.15pm
What is a modern hospitality experience?
Nicolas HORVATH, Market Manager @Duve
3.15 - 4pm
Is the Metaverse dead?
Sébastien FELIX, CEO @Influence Society
4 - 5pm
Pétanque Break - Ask me Anything about Digital Marketing
The Influence Society Team
5 - 6pm
Immersive Virtual Reality Experience
9 - 11pm
Group Dinner Prepared by CHEF ARTHUR & ATELIER GARNER
Friday, 13 October
7.30 - 9am
Breakfast at the House (Lounge Area)
9 - 9.45am
Understanding & creating a Master Plan to attract US travelers
Joseph NAGGIAR, CRO @InfluenceSociety
9.45 - 10.30am
Hotel E-Commerce State-of-the-Art
Grégoire BRINGARDNER, Lead Marketing Manager @InfluenceSociety
10.30 - 11.15am
How ChatGPT is transforming our industry
Sébastien FELIX, Founder @InfluenceSociety
11.15 - 11.30AM
Closing Remarks
The Influence Society Team
11.30 - 12AM
Guests check-out
12.00 - 1.30pm
1.30 - 4pm
Lunch snack & Visit of the GRAND MAZARIN HOTEL